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Performance Program


(Opening)A performance that announces the beginning of the festival and kindles the atmosphere
(Closing)A large-scale performance that remembers the resonance of the festival and looks forward to the festival of next year

Tree, Trees, Tres 64J(Joule) Republic of Korea | ReservationPhysical Theatre | Circus

  • Tree, Trees, Tres
공연정보 게시물 목록이며 날짜, 시간, 소요시간을 제공합니다.
Date Time Duration of Time Location
05. 04. (Sat.) 1600 40m Forest(64 Park)
05. 05. (Sun.) 1600 40m Forest(64 Park)
05. 06. (Mon.) 1600 40m Forest(64 Park)


The god of balance who supervises the balance of all creation sends the envoys of balance to the world, disapproving of the excessively digitized modern society. As the envoys try to create a primeval forest at the center of the city in obedience to the order of the god of balance, they fall into confusion during the process of creation. The envoys of balance do their best to create a primeval forest. Will they be able to complete their mission?


64J (joule) is the amount of energy required to move a 64 kg object at a speed of 1 m/s. It is also the body weight of the leader Park Sang-hyeon that never changes. The performance group 64J was born out of the question of how to efficiently and fully utilize “64J's work = movement” when creating performances centered around the body. Their main focus is on releasing various constraints, twisting everyday objects into unfamiliar sensations and incorporating them into their performances.