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Performance Program


(Opening)A performance that announces the beginning of the festival and kindles the atmosphere
(Closing)A large-scale performance that remembers the resonance of the festival and looks forward to the festival of next year

We Fix Our Eyes Not On What Is Seen BARA LOFT Republic of Korea | ReservationContemporary Dance

  • We Fix Our Eyes Not On What Is Seen
공연정보 게시물 목록이며 날짜, 시간, 소요시간을 제공합니다.
Date Time Duration of Time Location
05. 04. (Sat.) 1630 30m Ansan Cultural Square Pedestrian Overpass
05. 05. (Sun.) 1630 30m Ansan Cultural Square Pedestrian Overpass


The performance expresses the process of dancers focusing on “invisible things” before they create abstract dance. Dancers show all the processes of analyzing music in their own ways, stimulating their emotions and embodying their inspiration into images. The audience learn the process of creating dance and feel dance at a higher level.


BARA LOFT is a dance art brand that plans and implements all things that can be expressed in dance. They are creating a dynamic art culture so that everyone can experience dance in their daily lives.